Table | Date Range | Start Date Field | Records |
UHLREHAB_UHLREHABVWpt1 | 1899(sic)-2013 | DateofinitialRehabHeartfailurecontact | 16923 |
UHLREHAB_UHLREHABVWpt2 | 1901(sic)-2013 | Dateofinitiatingevent | 16923 |
I think that these two tables are, in fact, two halves of the same table.
Aceinhibitor | Y | |
Additionalnotes | Y | |
Ageatcontact | Y | |
Angina | Y | |
Aspirin | Y | |
Assessmentnumber2DONOTCHANGESHOULDBE22 | Y | |
Assessmentnumber3DONOTCHANGESHOULDBE33 | Y | |
Asthma | Y | |
AttendPhase3 | Y | |
BasicLifeSupportTrainingdate | Y | |
BasicLifeSupportTrainingsite | Y | |
BetaBlocker | Y | |
BLStraining | Y | |
BMI | Y | |
BPdiastolic | Y | |
BPsystolic | Y | |
Cancer | Y | |
Cholesteroldate | Y | |
CholesterolHDLresult | Y | |
CholesterolLDLresult | Y | |
Cholesterolratio | Y | |
Cholesterolresult | Y | |
Chronicbackproblems | Y | |
Chronicbronchitis | Y | |
Claudication | Y | |
Clopidogrel | Y | |
Communication | Y | |
Completedwebstudy | Y | |
ConsultantnameDonotuse | Y | |
ConsultantphonenumberDonotuse | Y | |
Contactattemptsafterdischarge | Y | |
ContactnotesblankDonotuse | Y | |
DatecompletedPhase1 | Y | |
Dateofadmission | Y | |
DateOfCurrentStatus | Y | |
Dateofdischarge | Y | |
DateOfEndStatus | Y | |
DateofinitialRehabHeartfailurecontact | Y | |
Dateofinitiatingevent | Y | |
DatesenttoPATS | Y | |
DateTimeRecordCreated | Y | |
DateTimeRecordLastChanged | Y | |
Describeothercomplaint | Y | |
DiabetesInitialContact | Y | |
DiabetesPhase1 | Y | |
Emphysema | Y | |
EnteredByTag | Y | |
EntryCurrentStatus | Y | |
EntryEndStatus | Y | |
EntryId | Y | Y |
EntryStatus | Y | |
EthnicGroup | Y | |
Exit30x5 | Y | |
ExitAceinhibitor | Y | |
ExitAlcohol | Y | |
ExitAspirin | Y | |
ExitBetaBlocker | Y | |
ExitBMI | Y | |
ExitBPcontrolled | Y | |
ExitBPdiastolic | Y | |
ExitBPsystolic | Y | |
ExitCholesterolandTriglyceridesresultdate | Y | |
ExitCholesterolHDLresult | Y | |
ExitCholesterolLDLresult | Y | |
ExitCholesterolratio | Y | |
ExitCholesterolresult | Y | |
ExitClopidogrel | Y | |
Exitdatecompleted | Y | |
Exitdatestarted | Y | |
Exitdetailsandotherreferals | Y | |
ExitDiabetes | Y | |
ExitHADscoreanxiety | Y | |
ExitHADscoredepression | Y | |
ExitHealthcareprofessional | Y | |
ExitHeight | Y | |
ExitHRQOLChangeinhealth | Y | |
ExitHRQOLDailyactivities | Y | |
ExitHRQOLFeelings | Y | |
ExitHRQOLOverallhealth | Y | |
ExitHRQOLPain | Y | |
ExitHRQOLPhysicalfitness | Y | |
ExitHRQOLQualityoflife | Y | |
ExitHRQOLSocialactivites | Y | |
ExitHRQOLSocialsupport | Y | |
ExitHypercholesterolaemia48 | Y | |
ExitHypertension | Y | |
ExitMACNEWEmotionalScore | Y | |
ExitMACNEWPhysicalScore | Y | |
ExitMACNEWscore | Y | |
ExitMACNEWSocialScore | Y | |
ExitNoofFruitVegportionsperday | Y | |
ExitOccupation | Y | |
ExitOilyFishWeek | Y | |
ExitOmacor | Y | |
Exitonwardreferrals | Y | |
ExitPhysicalactivityfrequency | Y | |
ExitPhysicalactivitymild | Y | |
ExitPhysicalactivitymoderate | Y | |
Exitphysicalactivitytotal | Y | |
ExitPhysicalactivityvigerous | Y | |
ExitReadmittedreason | Y | |
ExitSalt | Y | |
ExitSF36Changeinhealth | Y | |
ExitSF36Energyvitality | Y | |
ExitSF36Generalhealthperception | Y | |
ExitSF36Mentalhealth | Y | |
ExitSF36Pain | Y | |
ExitSF36Physicalfunctioningscore | Y | |
ExitSF36Rolelimitationemotionalproblems | Y | |
ExitSF36Rolelimitationphysicalproblems | Y | |
ExitSF36Socialfunctioning | Y | |
Exitsite | Y | |
ExitSmoking | Y | |
ExitSmokingcessationsupport | Y | |
ExitSmokinginlast4weeks | Y | |
ExitStatin | Y | |
ExitTriglyceridesresult | Y | |
ExitWaistcm | Y | |
ExitWeight | Y | |
FacilitatorcontactnumberDonotuse | Y | |
FamilyHistorylessthan65 | Y | |
FirstfollowupdoneExit | Y | |
FirstfollowupdueExit | Y | |
GPName | Y | |
GPPracticecode | Y | |
Healthcareprofessional | Y | |
HeartFailure12mexerciselessthan20to30minutes | Y | |
HeartFailure6mexerciselessthan20to30minutes | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthassessmentifnotdonereason | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthChronicheartquestionnaireDypsnoe | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthChronicheartquestionnaireEmotion | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthChronicheartquestionnaireFatigue | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthChronicheartquestionnaireMastery | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthESWT | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthESWTEndBORGbreathpeakexercise | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthESWTEndBORGexertionpeakexercise | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthESWTreasonnotdone | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthESWTTimeinseconds | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthHADscoreAnxiety | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthHADscoreDepression | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthMentalhealth | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthRolelimitationemotionalproblems | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSF36Changeinhealth | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSF36Energyvitality | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSF36Generalhealth | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSF36Pain | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSF36Physicalfunctioningscore | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSF36Rolelimitationphysicalproble | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSF36Socialfunctioning | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTBORGbreathpeakexercise | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTBORGbreathrest | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTBORGexertionpeakexercise | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTdate | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTDiastolicBPrest | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTEnddiastolicBP | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTEndheartrate | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTEndReasonfortermination | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTEndsystolicBP | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTheartraterest | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTHeartrhythm | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTNYHA | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTReasonfortermination | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTreasonifnotdonethisvisit | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTresult | Y | |
Heartfailure6monthSWTSystolicBPrest | Y | |
HeartfailureAdmissiontohospitalwithheartfailure | Y | |
HeartfailureDateofPreChronicheartquestionnaireresu | Y | |
HeartfailureLVSDdiagnosisconfirmed | Y | |
HeartfailurePostChronicheartquestionnaireDypsnoea | Y | |
HeartfailurePostChronicheartquestionnaireEmotional | Y | |
HeartfailurePostChronicheartquestionnaireFatigue | Y | |
HeartfailurePostChronicheartquestionnaireMastery | Y | |
HeartFailurePostESWTEndBORGbreathpeakexercise | Y | |
HeartFailurePostESWTEndBORGexertionpeakexercise | Y | |
HeartFailurePostESWTEndReasonfortermination | Y | |
HeartFailurePostESWTTimeinseconds | Y | |
HeartFailurepostexerciselessthan20to30minutes | Y | |
HeartfailurePostHADscoreAnxiety | Y | |
HeartfailurePostHADscoreDepression | Y | |
HeartfailurePostSF36Changeinhealth | Y | |
HeartfailurePostSF36Energyvitality | Y | |
HeartfailurePostSF36Generalhealth | Y | |
HeartfailurePostSF36Mentalhealth | Y | |
HeartfailurePostSF36Pain | Y | |
HeartfailurePostSF36Physicalfunctioningscore | Y | |
HeartfailurePostSF36Rolelimitationemotionalproblem | Y | |
HeartfailurePostSF36Rolelimitationphysicalproblems | Y | |
HeartfailurePostSF36Socialfunctioning | Y | |
HeartfailurePreChronicheartquestionnaireDypsnoea | Y | |
HeartfailurePreChronicheartquestionnaireEmotional | Y | |
HeartfailurePreChronicheartquestionnaireFatigue | Y | |
HeartfailurePreChronicheartquestionnaireMastery | Y | |
HeartfailurePreESWTEndBORGbreathpeakexercise | Y | |
HeartfailurePreESWTEndBORGexertionpeakexercise | Y | |
HeartfailurePreESWTENDReasonfortermination | Y | |
HeartfailurePreESWTLevel | Y | |
HeartfailurePreESWTTime | Y | |
HeartFailurepreexerciselessthan20to30minutes | Y | |
Heartfailureprefirstadmissionlengthofstayindays | Y | |
HeartfailurePreHADscoreAnxiety | Y | |
HeartfailurePreHADscoreDepression | Y | |
HeartfailurePreSF36Changeinhealth | Y | |
HeartfailurePreSF36Energyvitality | Y | |
HeartfailurePreSF36Generalhealthperception | Y | |
HeartfailurePreSF36Mentalhealth | Y | |
HeartfailurePreSF36Pain | Y | |
HeartfailurePreSF36Physicalfunctioningscore | Y | |
HeartfailurePreSF36Rolelimitationemotionalproblems | Y | |
HeartfailurePreSF36Rolelimitationphysicalproblems | Y | |
HeartfailurePreSF36Socialfunctioning | Y | |
HeartFailurePreSWTNYHA | Y | |
Height | Y | |
Homephonenumber | Y | |
HospitalTag | Y | |
Hypercholesterolaemia48 | Y | |
Hypertension | Y | |
ImportLinkId | Y | |
InitialContactpoint | Y | |
Interpreterrequired | Y | |
KeyworkernameDonotuse | Y | |
Languagespoken | Y | |
Maritalstatus | Y | |
Medicalrecordnumberattimeofentry | Y | |
Medicalrecordnumberattimeofregistryentry | Y | |
MedicationComments | Y | |
MeetscriteratoattendPhase3education | Y | |
MeetscriteratoattendPhase3exercise | Y | |
NameofrefereeDonotuse | Y | |
NameofreferingGP | Y | |
NextEntry | Y | |
NextofKinDonotuse | Y | |
NumberofPhaseones | Y | |
Occupation | Y | |
Osteoarthritis | Y | |
Osteoporosis | Y | |
Other | Y | |
Otherpreviousevents | Y | |
PatientGender | Y | |
PatientId | Y | |
PCT | Y | |
Phase1 | Y | |
Phase130x5inthelast4weeks | Y | |
Phase1Alcohol | Y | |
Phase1comments | Y | |
Phase1date | Y | |
Phase1HADscoreanxiety | Y | |
Phase1HADscoredepression | Y | |
Phase1inpreadmission | Y | |
Phase1InvitetoRehab | Y | |
Phase1NoofFruitVegportionsperday | Y | |
Phase1OilyFishWeek | Y | |
Phase1Salt | Y | |
Phase1site | Y | |
Phase2 | Y | |
Phase230x5 | Y | |
Phase2Aceinhibitor | Y | |
Phase2Alcohol | Y | |
Phase2Aspirin | Y | |
Phase2BetaBlocker | Y | |
Phase2Clopidogrel | Y | |
Phase2completed | Y | |
Phase2datecompleted | Y | |
Phase2datestarted | Y | |
Phase2Healthcareprofessional | Y | |
Phase2invitetorehab | Y | |
Phase2NoofFruitVegportionsperday | Y | |
Phase2OilyFishWeek | Y | |
Phase2Readmissionnumber | Y | |
Phase2readmittedreason | Y | |
Phase2Referralsmade | Y | |
Phase2Salt | Y | |
Phase2site | Y | |
Phase2Smoking | Y | |
Phase2Smokingcessationsupport | Y | |
Phase2Statin | Y | |
Phase3 | Y | |
Phase3Acuteeventsduringrehab | Y | |
Phase3Dateacuteeventsduringrehabfrom | Y | |
Phase3Dateacuteeventsduringrehabto | Y | |
Phase3datecompleted | Y | |
Phase3datestarted | Y | |
Phase3educationattended | Y | |
Phase3exerciseattended | Y | |
Phase3readmitted | Y | |
Phase3Readmittedreason | Y | |
Phase3site | Y | |
Phase4 | Y | |
Phase4referral | Y | |
Posteventcomments | Y | |
PostSWTBorgbreathlessness | Y | |
PostSWTBorgexertion | Y | |
PostSWTNoncompletion | Y | |
PostSWTrestingBPdiastolic | Y | |
PostSWTrestingBPsystolic | Y | |
PostSWTrestingHR | Y | |
PostSWTresult | Y | |
PostSWTtrueBPdiastolic | Y | |
PostSWTtrueBPsystolic | Y | |
PostSWTtrueHR | Y | |
PracticeBorgbreathlessness | Y | |
PracticeBorgExertion | Y | |
PracticePostBPDiastolic | Y | |
PracticePostBPsystolic | Y | |
PracticePostHR | Y | |
PracticeRestingBPDiastolic | Y | |
PracticerestingHR | Y | |
PracticeSWTresult | Y | |
Pre3Omacor | Y | |
PrePhase330x5 | Y | |
PrePhase3Aceinhibitor | Y | |
PrePhase3Acuteeventsduringrehab | Y | |
PrePhase3Alcohol | Y | |
PrePhase3Aspirin | Y | |
PrePhase3attendance | Y | |
PrePhase3BetaBlocker | Y | |
PrePhase3BMI | Y | |
PrePhase3BPdiastolic | Y | |
PrePhase3BPsystolic | Y | |
PrePhase3Clopidogrel | Y | |
PrePhase3date | Y | |
PrePhase3Dateacuteeventsduringrehabfrom | Y | |
PrePhase3Dateacuteeventsduringrehabto | Y | |
PrePhase3HADscoreanxiety | Y | |
PrePhase3HADscoreDepression | Y | |
PrePhase3Healthcareprofessional | Y | |
PrePhase3Height | Y | |
PrePhase3HRQOLChangeinhealth | Y | |
PrePhase3HRQOLDailyactivities | Y | |
PrePhase3HRQOLFeeling | Y | |
PrePhase3HRQOLOverallhealth | Y | |
PrePhase3HRQOLPain | Y | |
PrePhase3HRQOLPhysicalfitness | Y | |
PrePhase3HRQOLQualityoflife | Y | |
PrePhase3HRQOLSocialactivities | Y | |
PrePhase3HRQOLSocialsupport | Y | |
PrePhase3Hypertension | Y | |
PrePhase3MACNEWEmotionalScore | Y | |
Prephase3MACNEWPhysicalScore | Y | |
PrePhase3MACNEWscore | Y | |
Prephase3MACNEWSocialScore | Y | |
PrePhase3medicationcomments | Y | |
PrePhase3NoofFruitVegportionsperday | Y | |
PrePhase3Occupation | Y | |
PrePhase3OilyFishWeek | Y | |
Prephase3otherreferrals | Y | |
PrePhase3Physicalactivityfrequency | Y | |
PrePhase3Physicalactivitymild | Y | |
PrePhase3Physicalactivitymoderate | Y | |
PrePhase3Physicalactivitytotal | Y | |
PrePhase3PhysicalactivityVigerous | Y | |
PrePhase3readmissiondate | Y | |
PrePhase3readmissiondischargedate | Y | |
PrePhase3readmitted | Y | |
PrePhase3Readmittedreason | Y | |
PrePhase3Referrals | Y | |
PrePhase3riskassessment | Y | |
PrePhase3Salt | Y | |
PrePhase3SF36Changeinhealth | Y | |
PrePhase3SF36Energyvitality | Y | |
PrePhase3SF36Generalhealthperception | Y | |
PrePhase3SF36Mentalhealth | Y | |
PrePhase3SF36Pain | Y | |
Prephase3SF36Physicalfunctioningscore | Y | |
PrePhase3SF36Rolelimitationemotionalproblems | Y | |
PrePhase3SF36Rolelimitationphysicalproblems | Y | |
PrePhase3SF36Socialfunctioning | Y | |
PrePhase3site | Y | |
PrePhase3Smoking | Y | |
PrePhase3Smokingcessationsupport | Y | |
PrePhase3Smokinginlast4weeks | Y | |
PrePhase3Statin | Y | |
PrePhase3Waistcm | Y | |
PrePhase3Weight | Y | |
PreviousEntry | Y | |
ProceedtoExitAppointment | Y | |
Proceedtophase2 | Y | |
ProceedtoprePhase3 | Y | |
ReasonfirstfollowupnotdoneExit | Y | |
ReasonfornoSWT | Y | |
ReasonfornottakingpartPhase1 | Y | |
ReasonfornottakingpartPhase2 | Y | |
ReasonfornottakingpartPhase3 | Y | |
ReasonfornottakingpartPhase4 | Y | |
Reasonphase1missed | Y | |
Reasonphase1missedcomments | Y | |
ReasonswhyasecondSWTwasnotdone | Y | |
Reasonwebstudynotoffered | Y | |
Reasonyearlyfollowupnotdone | Y | |
Referrals | Y | |
Referredby | Y | |
RefertoPhase4 | Y | |
Rehabdocumentationstored | Y | |
Rehabdocumentationstores | Y | |
Rehabilitationtype | Y | |
RehabInitiatingevent | Y | |
Rehabpercentcompleted | Y | |
Rehabreasonnoncompleted | Y | |
RehabreasonnotcompletedPhase1 | Y | |
RehabreasonnotcompletedPhase2 | Y | |
RehabreasonnotcompletedPhase3 | Y | |
Rheumatoidarthritis | Y | |
SecondPrePh3MACNEWEmotionalScore | Y | |
SecondPrePh3MACNEWPhysicalScore | Y | |
SecondPrePh3MACNEWSocialScore | Y | |
SecondPrePhase3HADAnxiety | Y | |
SecondPrePhase3HADDepression | Y | |
SecondPrePhase3healthcareprofessional | Y | |
SecondPrePhase3MACNEWscore | Y | |
SecondPrePhase3site | Y | |
SecondPrePhase3SWTPostresult | Y | |
SecondPrePhase3SWTPracticeresult | Y | |
SeondPrePhase3date | Y | |
Siteoffirstrehab | Y | |
Smokingcessationsupport | Y | |
Smokinginlast4weeks | Y | |
SouthAsianSAprogramattended | Y | |
SouthAsianSAprogramoffered | Y | |
SponsoredWalk | Y | |
Statin | Y | |
Stroke | Y | |
SWTPrePhase3practicerestingBPSystolic | Y | |
TimeOfEntry | Y | |
Treatmentassociatedwithinitiatingevent | Y | |
Triglyceridesresult | Y | |
TrueBorgbreathlessness | Y | |
TrueBorgExertion | Y | |
TruePostBPDiastolic | Y | |
TruePostBPSystolic | Y | |
TruePostHR | Y | |
TrueRestingBpDiastolic | Y | |
TrueRestingBPsystolic | Y | |
TrueRestingHR | Y | |
TrueSWTresult | Y | |
TwelveMonth30x5 | Y | |
TwelvemonthAceinhibitor | Y | |
TwelvemonthAspirin | Y | |
TwelvemonthBetaBlocker | Y | |
TwelveMonthBMI | Y | |
TwelveMonthBPcontrolled | Y | |
TwelveMonthBPdiastolic | Y | |
TwelveMonthBPsystolic | Y | |
TwelveMonthCholesterol | Y | |
TwelveMonthCholesterolHDL | Y | |
TwelveMonthCholesterolLDL | Y | |
TwelveMonthCholesterolratio | Y | |
TwelveMonthCholesteroltotal | Y | |
TwelveMonthCholesterolTriglycerides | Y | |
TwelvemonthClopidogrel | Y | |
TwelvemonthEmploymentstatus | Y | |
TwelveMonthHADscoreanxiety | Y | |
TwelveMonthHADscoreDepression | Y | |
TwelveMonthHeight | Y | |
TwelveMonthHypercholesterolaemia48 | Y | |
TwelveMonthHypertension | Y | |
TwelveMonthMACNEWEmotionalScore | Y | |
TwelveMonthMACNEWPhysicalScore | Y | |
TwelveMonthMACNEWscore | Y | |
TwelveMonthMACNEWSocialScore | Y | |
Twelvemonthmedicationcomments | Y | |
TwelvemonthOmacor | Y | |
TwelvemonthPackyear | Y | |
TwelveMonthPhysicalactivityfrequency | Y | |
TwelveMonthPhysicalactivitymild | Y | |
TwelveMonthPhysicalactivitymoderate | Y | |
TwelveMonthPhysicalactivitytotal | Y | |
TwelveMonthPhysicalactivityVigerous | Y | |
TwelvemonthSmokinginlast4weeks | Y | |
TwelvemonthStatin | Y | |
TwelveMonthwaistcm | Y | |
TwelveMonthWeight | Y | |
TwelveSmokingcessationsupport | Y | |
Webstudyoffered | Y | |
Weight | Y | |
Yearlyfollowupdate | Y | |
Yearlyfollowupdone | Y | |
Yearlyfollowupdue | Y | |
YearlyHRQOLChangeinhealth | Y | |
YearlyHRQOLDailyactivities | Y | |
YearlyHRQOLFeelings | Y | |
YearlyHRQOLOverallhealth | Y | |
YearlyHRQOLPain | Y | |
YearlyHRQOLPhysicalfitness | Y | |
YearlyHRQOLQualityoflife | Y | |
YearlyHRQOLSocialactivities | Y | |
YearlyHRQOLSocialsupport | Y | n |
Last modified
12 years ago
Last modified on 06/03/13 12:33:43
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