wiki:OpenSpecimen HowTo Use Expedited Entry for a Study

Version 7 (modified by Richard Bramley, 8 years ago) ( diff )


OpenSpecimen HowTo Use Expedited Entry for a Study

Tags: OpenSpecimen HowTo

Procedure 1

  • Find the cp_id of the protocal to use the expedited method. This can be obtained from the URL when viewing the protocol or its participants. For example
  1. Log into the database and select the record from the os_cp_workflows table:
SELECT * FROM os_cp_workflows;
  1. Take note of the CP_ID of a process that currently uses the expedited method.
  2. Duplicate the existing record with the new ID:
INSERT INTO os_cp_workflows SELECT {new_cp_id}, WORKFLOWS FROM os_cp_workflows WHERE CP_ID = {old_cp_id};
  1. Stop Tomcat
  2. Make sure that the Java process has stopped using ps -f and killing the process if necessary.
  3. Start Tomcat

Procedure 2

The settings are set using the REST API. See OpenSpecimen REST API Documentation.

  • The cp_id is the id of the protocol and can be obtained from the URL when viewing the protocol or its participants. For example
  • Use Postman or other HTTP utility to make the following request:
cp_id using the value from above.
Request Body
Response Body
    "cpId": <cp_id>,
    "shortTitle": <cp_short_title>,
    "workflows": {
        "registerParticipant": {
            "name": "registerParticipant",
            "view": "plugin-ui-resources/le/collect-specimens.html",
            "ctrl": "leRegAndCollectSpecimensCtrl",
            "data": {
                "boxOpts": {
                    "dimension": {
                        "rows": 8,
                        "columns": 12
                    "compact": false
The setting can be deleted by updating all the values to empty using the REST API. For example
    "name": "",
    "view": "",
    "ctrl": "",
    "data": {  }

Error: Macro BackLinks(None) failed
'Environment' object has no attribute 'get_db_cnx'

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