wiki:OpenSpecimen HowTo Install

Version 6 (modified by Richard Bramley, 8 years ago) ( diff )


OpenSpecimen HowTo Install

Tags: OpenSpecimen HowTo


  • Have to make and executable.
  • Have to amend apache config:
    • Amend loadmodule.conf to:
      # Tomcat - used for JBoss
      #LoadModule jk_module /usr/lib64/apache2/
      # Proxy to divert to the JBoss Application Server
      LoadModule proxy_module                   /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
      LoadModule proxy_http_module               /usr/lib64/apache2-prefork/
    • Amend httpd.cong to
      # Proxy to provide access to the JBoss Application Server
       ProxyPass / http://localhost:8280/ timeout=180
       ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8280/
       ProxyTimeout 180
      # Use mod_jk to forward to JBoss - not used now, cos it broke
      # Include /local/apache2/etc/mod.d/mod_jk.conf

Notes from watching Nitesh upgrade our dev version

  1. Our customisations are in the file /local/os_v20/app/plugin-dir/os-le-1.0.0.jar. This file can be copied between installations.
  2. He copied the build zip file (linked in the page above) into the directory /local/os_v20/installable and unzipped it.
  3. He then ran the script from within the unzipped directory.
  4. He ran the script using nohup so that the output for the installation is stored in the file nohup.out.
  5. The full command was:
nohup ./ -dhost localhost -dport 3306 -dname {db name} -duser {db user name} -dpass {db password name} -dtype mysql -ahome /local/os_v20/app -ahost localhost -aport 8280 -adtype upgrade -adatadir /local/os_v20/app/os-data -aplugindir /local/os_v20/app/plugin-dir &
  1. He then ran chmod 777 * in the app OpenSpecimen directory and the app/lib directory.
  2. He then :
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java
export JRE_HOME=/opt/java/jre
  1. He then ran /local/os_v20/app/bin/ start

These later steps are documented in the script /local/os_v20/

Error: Macro BackLinks(None) failed
'Environment' object has no attribute 'get_db_cnx'

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