Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Darwin

10/10/13 12:08:29 (11 years ago)
Nick Holden



  • Darwin

    v1 v1  
     1= Darwin =
     3Medilog Darwin is analysis software for holter monitors (24 hour tapes) measuring heart rate and rhythm.
     5The software is used primarily by Anna Marie Marsh and John McAdam in the TMF.
     7The software is availabel from ScanMed Medical - details at
     9Contact at ScanMed is Simon Dickinson
     11== Installation ==
     13There is a client-server configuration, on machines connected to the University network.
     15=== Server ===
     17The Server is installed in the TMF exercise suite, on University PC cv-0171. This comprises the Firebird database server, the Darwin analysis tools and the necessary drivers and reader software to allow holter monitors to be connected to the PC either directly over USB or via a USB mounted SD card reader. The server must have the license USB dongle connected for clients to be able to use the software.
     19=== Clients ===
     21The client package is installed on three PCs: cv-0171 in the exercise suite, the PC in the echo room of the TMF, and the PC in the research fellows office on the cardiology admin corridor, first floor of the hospital.
     23=== Configuration ===
     25Clients need to be configured with the following settings, to access the server correctly:
     27* Server: cv-0171
     28* Database: D:\Database\Evolution2.fdb
     29* Raw data: \\cv-0171\Recordings
     30* Central license server: cv-0171
     31* Custom database user - details saved manually. Ask Nick or Anna Marie.