50 | | === Customisation: |
51 | | |
52 | | {{{ |
53 | | #!sql |
54 | | CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[INSERT_EID_MAP_FROMTEMP_RB] (@tempEidTableName VARCHAR(500), @upload_id INT, |
55 | | @errorMsg VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL OUTPUT) |
56 | | AS |
57 | | BEGIN |
58 | | declare @existingEncounterNum varchar(32); |
59 | | declare @maxEncounterNum int; |
60 | | declare @deleteDuplicateSql nvarchar(MAX); |
61 | | |
62 | | declare @sql_stmt nvarchar(MAX); |
63 | | |
64 | | declare @disEncounterId varchar(200); |
65 | | declare @disEncounterIdSource varchar(50); |
66 | | declare @disPatientMapId varchar(200); |
67 | | declare @disPatientMapIdSource varchar(50); |
68 | | |
69 | | |
70 | | BEGIN TRY |
71 | | |
72 | | --Delete duplicate rows with same encounter and patient combination |
73 | | set @deleteDuplicateSql = 'with deleteTempDup as (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER |
74 | | ( PARTITION BY encounter_map_id,encounter_map_id_source,encounter_id,encounter_id_source |
75 | | ORDER BY encounter_map_id,encounter_map_id_source,encounter_id,encounter_id_source ) AS RNUM FROM ' + @tempEidTableName +') |
76 | | delete from deleteTempDup where rnum>1'; |
77 | | exec sp_executesql @deleteDuplicateSql; |
78 | | |
79 | | |
80 | | --set IDENTITY_INSERT encounter_mapping ON; |
81 | | -- get max encounter num |
82 | | select @maxEncounterNum = isnull(max(encounter_num),0) from encounter_mapping with (UPDLOCK); |
83 | | -- cursor which iterates distinct encounter_id,encounter_id_source compination |
84 | | SELECT @sql_stmt = 'DECLARE my_cur INSENSITIVE CURSOR FOR ' + |
85 | | ' SELECT distinct encounter_id,encounter_id_source,patient_map_id,patient_map_id_source from ' + @tempEidTableName ; |
86 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql_stmt; |
87 | | |
88 | | OPEN my_cur; |
89 | | |
90 | | FETCH NEXT FROM my_cur into @disEncounterId, @disEncounterIdSource,@disPatientMapId, @disPatientMapIdSource ; |
91 | | WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 |
92 | | |
93 | | BEGIN |
95 | | if @disEncounterIdSource = 'HIVE' |
96 | | begin |
97 | | SET @existingEncounterNum = NULL |
98 | | --check if hive number exist, if so assign that number to reset of map_id's within that pid |
99 | | select @existingEncounterNum = encounter_num from encounter_mapping where encounter_num = @disEncounterId and encounter_ide_source = 'HIVE'; |
100 | | |
101 | | if @existingEncounterNum is not NULL |
102 | | begin |
103 | | set @sql_stmt = ' update ' + @tempEidTableName + ' set encounter_num = encounter_id, process_status_flag = ''P'' ' + |
104 | | ' where encounter_id = @pdisEncounterId and not exists (select 1 from encounter_mapping em where em.encounter_ide = encounter_map_id ' + |
105 | | ' and em.encounter_ide_source = encounter_map_id_source)'; |
106 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql_stmt,N'@pdisEncounterId nvarchar(200)', @pdisEncounterId = @disEncounterId; |
107 | | end |
108 | | else |
109 | | begin |
110 | | -- generate new patient_num i.e. take max(_num) + 1 |
111 | | if @maxEncounterNum < @disEncounterId |
112 | | begin |
113 | | set @maxEncounterNum = @disEncounterId; |
114 | | end; |
115 | | set @sql_stmt = ' update ' + @tempEidTableName + ' set encounter_num = encounter_id, process_status_flag = ''P'' where ' + |
116 | | ' encounter_id = @pdisEncounterId and encounter_id_source = ''HIVE'' and not exists (select 1 from encounter_mapping em where em.encounter_ide = encounter_map_id ' + |
117 | | ' and em.encounter_ide_source = encounter_map_id_source)'; |
118 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql_stmt, N'@pdisEncounterId nvarchar(200)',@pdisEncounterId=@disEncounterId ; |
119 | | end; |
120 | | -- print ' HIVE '; |
121 | | end |
122 | | else |
123 | | begin |
124 | | SET @existingEncounterNum = NULL |
125 | | select @existingEncounterNum = encounter_num from encounter_mapping where encounter_ide = @disEncounterId and |
126 | | encounter_ide_source = @disEncounterIdSource ; |
127 | | |
128 | | |
129 | | if @existingEncounterNum is not NULL |
130 | | begin |
131 | | set @sql_stmt = ' update ' + @tempEidTableName + ' set encounter_num = @pexistingEncounterNum, process_status_flag = ''P'' ' + |
132 | | ' where encounter_id = @pdisEncounterId and not exists (select 1 from encounter_mapping em where em.encounter_ide = encounter_map_id ' + |
133 | | ' and em.encounter_ide_source = encounter_map_id_source)' ; |
134 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql_stmt,N'@pexistingEncounterNum int, @pdisEncounterId nvarchar(200)',@pexistingEncounterNum=@existingEncounterNum , |
135 | | @pdisEncounterId=@disEncounterId; |
136 | | end |
137 | | else |
138 | | begin |
139 | | |
140 | | set @maxEncounterNum = @maxEncounterNum + 1 ; |
141 | | set @sql_stmt = ' insert into ' + @tempEidTableName + ' (encounter_map_id,encounter_map_id_source,patient_map_id,patient_map_id_source,encounter_id,encounter_id_source,encounter_num,process_status_flag |
142 | | ,encounter_map_id_status,update_date,download_date,import_date,sourcesystem_cd) |
143 | | values(@pmaxEncounterNum1,''HIVE'',@pdisPatientMapId, @pdisPatientMapIdSource,@pmaxEncounterNum2,''HIVE'',@pmaxEncounterNum3,''P'',''A'',getdate(),getdate(),getdate(),''edu.harvard.i2b2.crc'')' ; |
144 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql_stmt, N'@pmaxEncounterNum1 int,@pmaxEncounterNum2 int, @pmaxEncounterNum3 int, @pdisPatientMapId varchar(200), @pdisPatientMapIdSource varchar(50)', |
145 | | @pmaxEncounterNum1=@maxEncounterNum,@pmaxEncounterNum2=@maxEncounterNum,@pmaxEncounterNum3=@maxEncounterNum,@pdisPatientMapId=@disPatientMapId, @pdisPatientMapIdSource=@disPatientMapIdSource; |
146 | | |
147 | | set @sql_stmt = ' update ' + @tempEidTableName +' set encounter_num = @pmaxEncounterNum , process_status_flag = ''P'' ' + |
148 | | ' where encounter_id = @pdisEncounterId and not exists (select 1 from ' + |
149 | | ' encounter_mapping em where em.encounter_ide = encounter_map_id ' + |
150 | | ' and em.encounter_ide_source = encounter_map_id_source)' ; |
151 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql_stmt,N'@pmaxEncounterNum int,@pdisEncounterId nvarchar(200)',@pmaxEncounterNum=@maxEncounterNum , @pdisEncounterId=@disEncounterId; |
152 | | |
153 | | end ; |
154 | | |
155 | | -- print ' NOT HIVE '; |
156 | | end ; |
157 | | commit; |
158 | | FETCH NEXT FROM my_cur into @disEncounterId, @disEncounterIdSource,@disPatientMapId, @disPatientMapIdSource ; |
159 | | END ; |
160 | | CLOSE my_cur |
161 | | DEALLOCATE my_cur |
163 | | -- do the mapping update if the update date is old and the encounter_id_source is HIVE |
164 | | set @sql_stmt = ' update encounter_mapping set encounter_num = temp.encounter_id, |
165 | | patient_ide = temp.patient_map_id , |
166 | | patient_ide_source = temp.patient_map_id_source , |
167 | | encounter_ide_status = temp.encounter_map_id_status , |
168 | | update_date = temp.update_date, |
169 | | download_date = temp.download_date , |
170 | | import_date = getdate() , |
171 | | sourcesystem_cd = temp.sourcesystem_cd , |
172 | | upload_id = ' + convert(nvarchar,@upload_id) + ' |
173 | | from encounter_mapping em |
174 | | inner join ' + @tempEidTableName + ' temp |
175 | | on em.encounter_ide = temp.encounter_map_id and |
176 | | em.encounter_ide_source = temp.encounter_map_id_source |
177 | | where temp.encounter_id_source = ''HIVE'' and temp.process_status_flag is null and |
178 | | isnull(em.update_date,0)<= isnull(temp.update_date,0) ' ; |
179 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql_stmt; |
180 | | |
181 | | -- insert new encounters into encounter_mapping |
182 | | set @sql_stmt = ' insert into encounter_mapping (encounter_ide,encounter_ide_source,patient_ide,patient_ide_source,encounter_ide_status,encounter_num,update_date,download_date,import_date,sourcesystem_cd,upload_id) |
183 | | select encounter_map_id,encounter_map_id_source,patient_map_id,patient_map_id_source,encounter_map_id_status,encounter_num,update_date,download_date,getdate(),sourcesystem_cd,' + convert(nvarchar,@upload_id) + ' from ' + @tempEidTableName + ' |
184 | | where process_status_flag = ''P'' ' ; |
185 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql_stmt; |
186 | | commit; |
187 | | END TRY |
188 | | |
189 | | BEGIN CATCH |
190 | | if @@TRANCOUNT > 0 |
191 | | begin |
192 | | ROLLBACK |
193 | | end |
194 | | begin try |
195 | | DEALLOCATE my_cur |
196 | | end try |
197 | | begin catch |
198 | | end catch |
199 | | declare @errMsg nvarchar(4000), @errSeverity int |
200 | | select @errMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @errSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(); |
201 | | set @errorMsg = @errMsg; |
202 | | RAISERROR(@errMsg,@errSeverity,1); |
203 | | END CATCH |
204 | | |
205 | | end; |
206 | | |
207 | | GO |
208 | | }}} |
209 | | |
210 | | {{{ |
211 | | #!sql |
212 | | CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[INSERT_PID_MAP_FROMTEMP_RB] (@tempPatientMapTableName VARCHAR(500), @upload_id INT, |
213 | | @errorMsg varchar(max) = NULL OUTPUT) |
214 | | AS |
215 | | |
216 | | BEGIN |
217 | | declare @deleteDuplicateSql nvarchar(MAX), |
218 | | @insertSql nvarchar(MAX); |
219 | | |
220 | | declare @existingPatientNum nvarchar(32); |
221 | | declare @maxPatientNum int; |
222 | | declare @disPatientId nvarchar(200); |
223 | | declare @disPatientIdSource nvarchar(50); |
224 | | declare @sql nvarchar(MAX); |
225 | | BEGIN TRY |
226 | | |
227 | | |
228 | | --Delete duplicate rows with same patient combination |
229 | | set @deleteDuplicateSql = 'with deleteTempDup as (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER |
230 | | ( PARTITION BY patient_map_id,patient_map_id_source,patient_id,patient_id_source |
231 | | ORDER BY patient_map_id,patient_map_id_source,patient_id,patient_id_source ) AS RNUM FROM ' + @tempPatientMapTableName +') |
232 | | delete from deleteTempDup where rnum>1'; |
233 | | |
234 | | exec sp_executesql @deleteDuplicateSql; |
235 | | |
236 | | --get max patient_num from patient_mapping table |
237 | | select @maxPatientNum = isnull(max(patient_num),0) from patient_mapping with (UPDLOCK); |
238 | | -- create cursor to iterate distinct event_id,event_id_source combination |
239 | | SELECT @sql = 'DECLARE my_cur INSENSITIVE CURSOR FOR ' + |
240 | | ' SELECT distinct patient_id,patient_id_source from ' + @tempPatientMapTableName ; |
241 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql |
242 | | |
243 | | OPEN my_cur |
244 | | |
245 | | FETCH NEXT FROM my_cur into @disPatientId, @disPatientIdSource ; |
246 | | WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 |
247 | | |
248 | | BEGIN |
250 | | --print @disPatientId + ' ' + @disPatientIdSource |
251 | | if @disPatientIdSource = 'HIVE' |
252 | | begin |
253 | | SET @existingPatientNum = NULL |
254 | | --check if hive number exist, if so assign that number to reset of map_id's within that pid |
255 | | select @existingPatientNum = patient_num from patient_mapping where patient_num = @disPatientId and patient_ide_source = 'HIVE'; |
256 | | |
257 | | if @existingPatientNum IS NOT NULL |
258 | | begin |
259 | | --print 'not null' |
260 | | set @sql = ' update ' + @tempPatientMapTableName + ' set patient_num = patient_id, process_status_flag = ''P'' ' + |
261 | | ' where patient_id = @pdisPatientId and not exists (select 1 from patient_mapping pm where pm.patient_ide = patient_map_id ' + |
262 | | ' and pm.patient_ide_source = patient_map_id_source)' ; |
263 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@pdisPatientId nvarchar(200)', @pdisPatientId = @disPatientId; |
264 | | --EXEC sp_executesql @sql; |
265 | | --select @disPatientId; |
266 | | end |
267 | | else |
268 | | begin |
269 | | --print 'null not exist HIVE' + @disPatientId |
270 | | -- generate new patient_num i.e. take max(patient_num) + 1 |
271 | | if @maxPatientNum < @disPatientId |
272 | | begin |
273 | | set @maxPatientNum = @disPatientId; |
274 | | end; |
275 | | set @sql = ' update ' + @tempPatientMapTableName +' set patient_num = patient_id, process_status_flag = ''P'' where ' + |
276 | | ' patient_id = @pdisPatientId and patient_id_source = ''HIVE'' and not exists (select 1 from patient_mapping pm where pm.patient_ide = patient_map_id ' + |
277 | | ' and pm.patient_ide_source = patient_map_id_source)'; |
278 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@pdisPatientId nvarchar(200)', @pdisPatientId=@disPatientId; |
279 | | end; |
280 | | -- test if record fectched |
281 | | --print ' HIVE '; |
282 | | end; |
283 | | else |
284 | | begin |
285 | | SET @existingPatientNum = NULL |
286 | | --print 'Not HIVE' |
287 | | select @existingPatientNum = patient_num from patient_mapping where patient_ide = @disPatientId and |
288 | | patient_ide_source = @disPatientIdSource ; |
289 | | |
290 | | --print 'existing PNum' + @existingPatientNum |
291 | | |
292 | | -- test if record fetched. |
293 | | |
294 | | if @existingPatientNum is not NULL |
295 | | begin |
296 | | --print 'About to update Temp with P' |
297 | | set @sql = ' update ' + @tempPatientMapTableName +' set patient_num = @pexistingPatientNum , process_status_flag = ''P'' ' + |
298 | | ' where patient_id = @pdisPatientId and not exists (select 1 from patient_mapping pm where pm.patient_ide = patient_map_id ' + |
299 | | ' and pm.patient_ide_source = patient_map_id_source)' ; |
300 | | --print @sql |
301 | | --print '@pexistingPatientNum = ' + @existingPatientNum |
302 | | --print '@pdisPatientId = ' + @disPatientId |
303 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql,N'@pexistingPatientNum int, @pdisPatientId nvarchar(200)',@pexistingPatientNum=@existingPatientNum,@pdisPatientId=@disPatientId; |
304 | | end |
305 | | else |
306 | | begin |
307 | | -- print ' NOT HIVE and not present ' + @disPatientId; |
308 | | set @maxPatientNum = @maxPatientNum + 1 ; |
309 | | set @sql = 'insert into ' + @tempPatientMapTableName + ' (patient_map_id,patient_map_id_source,patient_id,patient_id_source,patient_num,process_status_flag ' + |
310 | | ',patient_map_id_status,update_date,download_date,import_date,sourcesystem_cd ) ' + |
311 | | ' values(@pmaxPatientNum1,''HIVE'',@pmaxPatientNum2,''HIVE'',@pmaxPatientNum3,''P'',''A'',getdate(),getdate(),getdate(),''edu.harvard.i2b2.crc'')' ; |
312 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql ,N'@pmaxPatientNum1 int,@pmaxPatientNum2 int, |
313 | | @pmaxPatientNum3 int',@pmaxPatientNum1 = @maxPatientNum ,@pmaxPatientNum2 = @maxPatientNum,@pmaxPatientNum3 = @maxPatientNum; |
314 | | set @sql = 'update ' + @tempPatientMapTableName + ' set patient_num = @pmaxPatientNum , process_status_flag = ''P'' ' + |
315 | | ' where patient_id = @pdisPatientId and not exists (select 1 from ' + |
316 | | ' patient_mapping pm where pm.patient_ide = patient_map_id ' + |
317 | | ' and pm.patient_ide_source = patient_map_id_source)' ; |
318 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql,N'@pmaxPatientNum int,@pdisPatientId nvarchar(200)',@pmaxPatientNum = @maxPatientNum, @pdisPatientId=@disPatientId ; |
319 | | end; |
320 | | |
321 | | end ; |
322 | | commit; |
323 | | FETCH NEXT FROM my_cur into @disPatientId, @disPatientIdSource ; |
324 | | END |
325 | | |
326 | | CLOSE my_cur |
327 | | DEALLOCATE my_cur |
329 | | |
330 | | -- do the mapping update if the update date is old |
331 | | set @sql = ' update patient_mapping set patient_num = temp.patient_id, |
332 | | patient_ide_status = temp.patient_map_id_status , |
333 | | update_date = temp.update_date, |
334 | | download_date = temp.download_date , |
335 | | import_date = getdate() , |
336 | | sourcesystem_cd = temp.sourcesystem_cd , |
337 | | upload_id = ' + convert(nvarchar,@upload_id) + ' |
338 | | from patient_mapping pm |
339 | | inner join ' + @tempPatientMapTableName + ' temp |
340 | | on pm.patient_ide = temp.patient_map_id and pm.patient_ide_source = temp.patient_map_id_source |
341 | | where temp.patient_id_source = ''HIVE'' and temp.process_status_flag is null and isnull(temp.update_date,0) >= isnull(pm.update_date,0)'; |
342 | | |
343 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql; |
344 | | |
345 | | set @sql = ' insert into patient_mapping (patient_ide,patient_ide_source,patient_ide_status,patient_num,update_date,download_date,import_date,sourcesystem_cd,upload_id) ' + |
346 | | ' select patient_map_id,patient_map_id_source,patient_map_id_status,patient_num,update_date,download_date,getdate(),sourcesystem_cd,' + convert(nvarchar,@upload_id) + ' from '+@tempPatientMapTableName+ |
347 | | ' where process_status_flag = ''P'' ' ; |
348 | | EXEC sp_executesql @sql; |
349 | | |
350 | | commit; |
351 | | |
352 | | END TRY |
353 | | BEGIN CATCH |
354 | | if @@TRANCOUNT > 0 |
355 | | begin |
356 | | ROLLBACK |
357 | | end |
358 | | |
359 | | begin try |
360 | | DEALLOCATE my_cur |
361 | | end try |
362 | | begin catch |
363 | | end catch |
364 | | declare @errMsg nvarchar(4000), @errSeverity int |
365 | | select @errMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @errSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(); |
366 | | set @errorMsg = @errMsg; |
367 | | RAISERROR(@errMsg,@errSeverity,1); |
368 | | END CATCH |
369 | | END; |
370 | | |
371 | | GO |
372 | | }}} |
| 50 | The procedures are named the same as the original i2b2 stored procedures, but with the suffix `_LCBRU`. |