31 | | While invesigating a diference between data loaded onto the live site and the parallel run site, one of the things that I noticed was that for the table GGHPCI_FLWGGHPCIVIEW (which may not be useful anyway) lots of fields were being loaded that made not sense to load. For example: EntryID, !FlwId, !DateRecordCreated, !DateTimeRecordLastChanged, !EnteredByTag, etc. |
| 31 | While invesigating a diference between data loaded onto the live site and the parallel run site, I noticed that for the table GGHPCI_FLWGGHPCIVIEW (which may not be useful anyway - see below) lots of fields were being loaded that looked irrelevant. For example: EntryID, !FlwId, !DateRecordCreated, !DateTimeRecordLastChanged, !EnteredByTag, etc. |