wiki:REDCap HowTo Install Using Docker

Version 29 (modified by saj.issa, 8 years ago) ( diff )


Please read Docker HowTo Install before installing REDcap

Prerequisites if required

Step 1 - Install Git

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install git

Please note you will need to have an account on git.

Step 2 - Backup Redcap Database

Log on to the mysql database machine.

mysqldump --routines --skip-extended-insert --force -h localhost -u root -p redcap > $(date +\%d-\%m-\%Y-)_redcap.sql

This will create a database dump file.

Connect to my sql.

mysql -u root -p

Create a database, make sure you postfix with Redcap version number. Please stick to this naming convention.

mysql > create database redcap6168

Import the lastest database.

mysql -u root -p -h localhost redcap6168 < 19-09-2016-_redcap.sql

Step 3 - Create / Grant Mysql permissions

If a new user is needed run the following, replace necessary details

CREATE USER 'briccsext02_user'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'

Grant necessary privileges to user.

GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'briccsext02_user'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redcap6168_briccsext.* TO 'briccsext02_user'@'';

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redcap6168_briccsext.* TO 'briccsext02_user'@'';

If user already exists

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redcap6168.* TO 'redcap'@'';

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redcap6168.* TO 'briccsext02_user'@'';


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redcap6168_briccsext.* TO 'briccsext_user'@'';

Step 3 - Install NGINX

Follow the instructions to install NGINX reverse proxy

NGINX HowTo Install Using Docker

Upgrade Redcap using Docker

  1. On the host machine go to directory


  1. Go to this directory and checkout from git docker_redcap_upgrade

sudo git clone

sudo chmod -R 777 docker_redcap_upgrade/

This will create a directory /local/docker/<USER>/docker_redcap_upgrade

This docker script upgrades an existing redcap installation.

The first step is to zip the existing redcap installation, this could be either

  1. The directory /var/www/redcap on a virtual machine.

cd /var/www

sudo zip -r redcap

Move this file into /home/<USER>/docker_redcap_upgrade

  1. The directory /var/www/redcap within a running Docker container.

Connect to existing docker container using

sudo docker exec -i -t <CONTAINERID> /bin/bash

cd /var/www/redcap

sudo zip -r *

sudo mv /share/

exit should now be available on the host machine. In the directory /share/

Move this file into /home/<USER>/docker_redcap_upgrade

  1. Now edit Dockerfile

Amend the line # Old Redcap

Amend all instance of latest Redcap, i.e, redcap_vX.XX.X. Please use a copy and replace.

  1. Edit database.php

sudo docker build -t lcbruit/redcap_upgrade:v6.16.8 .

sudo docker run -v /share:/share -itd -p 80:80 lcbruit/redcap_upgrade:v6.16.8

sudo docker exec -i -t cbd3b580bd1b /bin/bash

OPTION B: Download the SQL upgrade script as a file

mysql -u root -p redcap6168 < redcap_upgrade_61608.sql

INSERT INTO redcap_config VALUES ('redcap_base_url','');

update redcap_config set value = '' where field_name = 'redcap_base_url';

There are 3 docker scripts available from github :

git clone

Amend database.php

sudo docker build -t lcbruit/redcap_fresh:v6.16.6 .

sudo docker run -itd -p 80:80 lcbruit/redcap_fresh:v6.16.6

git clone

git clone

REDCap 6.16.6

REDCap Software - Version 5.7.0

Installation script

  • Image
  • CRON
  • php upgrade

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo init 6 sudo apt-get install update-manager-core sudo vi /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades sudo do-release-upgrade -d

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade


91 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 92 sudo init 6 93 sudo apt-get install update-manager-core 94 sudo vi /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades 95 sudo do-release-upgrade -d 96 ls 97 lsb_release -a 98 exit 99 sudo apt-get update

100 sudo apt-get upgrade 101 sudo apt-get install update-manager-core 102 sudo do-release-upgrade

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.