Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of PMI Lookup

07/29/11 14:17:44 (13 years ago)



  • PMI Lookup

    v2 v3  
    99Configuration takes into account possible differing database requirements. During development, this aspect is managed within the maven project structure but eventually - on deployment - gets placed within the webapp/WEB-INF/patient-lookup-ws-data.xml file. This is something administrators should be aware of. This file needs to be edited before a system is workable. It needs to be held within a secure environment.
     11The following details try to elucidate the problems of configuration across differing contexts...
     13==== Database ====
     14The whole point of the PMI Lookup is to interface with a database. Moreover it is really only a service provided to another system; in this instance the Onyx questionnaire. This presents some problems...
     15   1. Unit tests need to be light weight
     16   1. For a developer testing Onyx, it is good to be able to eliminate yet another complex dependency (Onyx uses one type of database, whereas in the clinical environment the PMI Lookup is using a different type of database).
     17   1. The clinical environment in a test context
     18   1. The clinical environment in a live context
     20==== The pmi-lookup-* file ====
     21Within the project there are three versions of this file.
     22   1. One for unit testing, which uses a transitory HSQLDB database
     23   1. One for "integration" testing with Onyx
     24   1. One for the clinical environment, covering both live and test contexts