
Version 17 (modified by jason.selby, 13 years ago) ( diff )


Deriving an Initial Ontology from an Onyx Export

This is about deriving a first ontology from Onyx for trialing the import of an ontology and subsequent data into i2b2.

Nick's comments from meeting with Jason, Jeff and Dave

Working from variables.xml in MedicalHistoryInterviewQuestionnaire

Top level of xml is the questionnaire - nothing pulled from export xml to populate this.

Second level is taken from the stage name - all variables have a stage name attribute in the export xml.

Third level is section name - all variables have a section name attribute.

Fourth level is questionName - all variables have a questionName attribute.

Fifth level is name of variable - defined in the <variable name=""> section of the export xml (or possibly constructed from variable name and category name, see below). Note that in some cases this will be the same as the fourth level. If this isn't a good idea, then the name will need to be extended by means of an additional string (maybe '.Question'?)

<label> is derived from the variable's attribute "label"

<type> is derived from the <variable valueType=""> declaration.

* * * 

I've done the high BP questions (Do you.., When did you..., Have you received...) and then skipped all the other conditions as the question structure is essentially the same, albeit some with multiple categories for (e.g.) type of diabetes, treatment of diabetes, or with multiple question sets for multiple event conditions (MI, etc).

* * *


This is messy. Pulling the data only from each <variable></variable> element definition makes sense, but the 'category' variables (Y,N,PNA,DK,etc) would then have 'labels' of 'Y', 'N' and so on - put hundreds of those into i2b2 and you've got a very confusing ontology.

Jeff's idea of using the <category> child elements of the original <variables> might therefore be a better idea, but it requires a more complex filter - where a variable has category child elements then the filter needs to construct additional ontology entries from those child elements (combining the variable label and the category label) and ignore the following variables (with the same root variable name) or possibly add detail from them, but where the variable doesn't have category child elements then it must behave differently.

Thinking further, it would be better if the primary question <label> element related to the fourth level, not the fifth. Thus in the hierarchy there would be the primary question label, with 1 or more variables underneath it.

NOTE a GOTCHA with questions that generate an integer value: the boolean variable is named e.g. part_hist_highbp_onset_cat but the integer value associated with it is just part_hist_highbp_onset.

Definitively do not need: page attribute, required attribute, condition attribute, validation attribute. I don't think we need to bring over either the category 'code' attribute, or the 'missing' attribute, but maybe we do? Also don't think we need exclusiveChoiceCategoryVariable attribute, as the ontology just needs to provide all possible variables for all possible participants.

Does the stage attribute of a variable ALWAYS match it's questionnaire attribute? Looks like it does.

What is the 'script' attribute for?

Does the ontology need to include the category variable 'code' attributes? Depends on the structure of the participant answer files. Looks like the codes aren't even mentioned in the answer files, so ignore them for now.

This is Nick's original example:

				<label>Have you ever suffered from high blood pressure?</label>




					<label>Prefer not to answer</label>

					<label>Don't know</label>



				<label>When did you first suffer from high blood pressure?</label>




						<label>Prefer not to answer</label>

						<label>Don't know</label>



				<label>Have you received treatment for your high blood pressure?




					<label>Prefer not to answer</label>

					<label>Don't know</label>





Jeff's Revision of the above into a no-attributes style xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<source xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" >
				<label>Have you ever suffered from high blood pressure?</label>
						<label>Prefer not to answer</label>
						<label>Don't know</label>

				<label>When did you first suffer from high blood pressure?</label>
						<label>Prefer not to answer</label>
						<label>Don't know</label>

Jeff's comments after initial work on the above ideas:

Learned some obvious lessons that require revision of the approach...
Basically not all variables are the result of a question. And it comes in various guises...

  1. Even in a Questionnaire stage, there are some variables not attached to any question, eg: QuestionnaireRun.version and other sorts of metric-like data.
  2. Some stages are not questionnaires (and therefore contain no questions), eg: the sample stages.
  3. Some are not even stages: see the Participant file within the export. The Participant file contains participant data retrieved via the PMI plus "other" admin type data, eg: Admin.Participant.birthDate and Admin.Action.user.

Jason's 'bash' at a stylesheet

I've been working on a stylesheet to take the variables.xml onyx extract and make it into Jeff's suggested ontology schema format so here it is :-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:fn="">
	<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
	<xsl:template match="*">
		<xsl:apply-templates select="variables"/>
	<xsl:template match="/variables">
		<xsl:element name="source">
			<xsl:element name="name">briccs</xsl:element>
			<!-- only interested in variable elements with a child of categories -->
			<xsl:apply-templates select="variable[categories]"/>
	<!-- only want one stage element and subsequent section etc so apply only when it's the first in the list rather than all of them -->
	<xsl:template match="variable[categories][position()=1]">
		<xsl:element name="stage">
			<xsl:element name="name">
				<xsl:value-of select="attributes/attribute[@name='stage']"/>
			<xsl:element name="section">
				<xsl:element name="name">
					<xsl:value-of select="attributes/attribute[@name='section']"/>
				<!-- to get the depth right we now need to go up the tree and get all the variables with categories and loop thru them -->
				<xsl:for-each select="//variable[categories]">
					<xsl:element name="question">
						<xsl:element name="name">
							<xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
						<xsl:element name="label">
							<xsl:value-of select="attributes/attribute[@name='label']"/>
						<!-- now get all the categories below where we are -->
						<xsl:apply-templates select="categories"/>
	<xsl:template match="categories">
		<xsl:element name="variable">
			<xsl:element name="name">
				<xsl:value-of select="../attributes/attribute[@name='questionName']"/>
			<xsl:element name="type">
				<xsl:value-of select="../@valueType"/>

Seems to work quite well but needs more effort around the variable/variable bit below question as I'm not entirely sure where we are sourceing this data from. I've attached the file as well for easier editing etc.

Feedback and intermediate results from Jeff

Jason, I'd hold off doing a lot of work on the style sheet approach at this stage. I see style sheets coming into their own in the next stage, where we have to process the intermediate xml into SQL insert commands. But I could be wrong.

The input is sourced from the export zip file which is attached to page Onyx Export and Purge. If you unzip this file you will find a directory structure for each "part" of the BRICCS questionnaire. Each directory has a variables.xml file plus a collection of data files for each participant exported from Onyx. It's the collection of variables.xml files which contain the metadata for each "part".

We obviously need to explore this in conjunction with trying to ascertain what the final input into i2b2 will be like. I expect a few iterations before we get anywhere near what is required. At the moment, I see producing an intermediate form of ontology from Onyx as a first step. This intermediate stage (probably an xml file for each Onyx part) will be used to produce SQL for the Ontology Cell and the ontology dimension table within the CRC Cell (the data mart). I believe the intermediate ontology might then be used to drive an intermediate format for the participant data files (the 0000001.xml type files within the export zip). We can then use whatever comes out of that process to produce CSV files for import into i2b2 (fact table and the patient table). The latter is managed from within the i2b2 workbench.

ONYX Export File
 +-->variables.xml---(program?)--->intermediate ontology +---(XSLT)--> SQL inserts into Ontology Cell tables
 |                                          |            |
 |                                          |            +---(XSLT)--> SQL inserts into CRC ontology_dimension table
 |                                          |
 |                                          V
 +-->nnnnnnnnn.xml---(program?)--->intermediate data---------(XSLT)--> CSV file for import into CRC fact and patient tables

I'm agnostic as far as techniques are concerned (the bits in brackets). But I see XSLT as being admirably suited to doing the grunt work on producing SQL inserts and CSV files. The inserts into the Ontology cell for the demo data system were held in a file exceeding 250M in size, and I suspect even the first stab at Onyx will produce something relatively large. I've produced a first cut at processing a set of variables.xml files into an intermediate ontology and will attach a complete set corresponding to my example export zip file. I've struggled with aspects of trying to get a relatively systematized view from the collection of variables files. The idea being that one xsd file covers the whole structure, whatever variables file is chosen. There are some complex convolutions to derive variables and their grouping into different structures which I think is easier to explore programatically, at least for the moment.

The project I've started is currently in SVN within my sandbox area: onyx-to-i2b2. I'm uncertain about the structure of the project, and how it should eventually look, which is why it is sandboxed for the time being. When we have a better idea, code, examples, xslt, everything should be moved into another area of SVN and mavenized. There might need to be another project within the admin area of SVN which depicts scripts for exporting from onyx and readying for import into i2b2.

Comments On Structures So Far

Looking at the collection of variables.xml files from an Onyx export:

  • Most parts of the Onyx export are stages, except for Participants.
  • Most stages are Questionnaire based, but not all: BloodSamplesCollection, Consent and UrineSamplesCollection are the exceptions.
  • Not all variables are question based. This is obviously true for non Questionnaires, but there are some variables even within stages that are not question based.
  • Some variables have structured names "Admin.Participant.barcode" which are designed into Onyx. Easy enough to unpack into a structured ontology path.
  • Some variables have structured names "famhist_death_sudden.brother4_death_sudden" which are allowed for but at the discretion of the questionnaire designer. The example is taken from the RiskFactorQuesionnaire. These look more of a problem to unpack in a meaningful way.

Please see attachments for a complete collection of intermediate ontology files produced from the Onyx export. They contain variations on the example structure due to struggling with the points listed in above comments. The schema file used to produce the intermediate ontology files is here: schema file

[Jason] I've attached a graphical representation (PNG file) of the schema as at [2011-01-28] PNG file generated by XMLspy.

Attachments (5)

Download all attachments as: .zip

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