Version 6 (modified by 10 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
DREAM is a study managed by Andrew Vanezis: andrew.p.vanezis@…
The study nurse is Susan Parish. TEMPORARILY COVERED BY JAY.
DREAM is recruiting approximately 80 participants. They will be managed in CiviCRM with data collected in REDCap and specimen inventory in CaTissue.
On 17 January 2014 we discussed accomodating recruitment at Kettering into DREAM. The best solution seems to be to replicate the BRICCS recruitment model, and set up a REDCap instance on uhlbriccsext01 which can be accessed via VPN. Leicester data remains secure, limiting external data access as much as possible. This would enable the team in Kettering to do the screening data entry directly into REDCap, and avoid any transcribing error. If that isn't possible, we will need to use a paper system in Kettering, and do the data entry here in Leicester, for which we could use the existing REDCap server.
Either way, we will create an entire duplicate of the DREAM project, for Kettering data, with its own discrete sequential study IDs. Decision was to implement a paper system in Kettering, which they used for some time, with Sue doing the data entry into REDCap once the paper forms arrived here.
In January 2015, because an N3-facing REDCap instance now exists on the externally-facing server, which colleagues in Kettering are using already for BRICCS As recruitment, we decided to implement DREAM on this REDCap instance after all, allowing Kettering colleagues to do their own data entry.
We will need to copy the Kettering project from the UHL REDCap instance to the N3-facing REDCap instance. Copying a project inside one REDCap instance is easily accomplished within REDCap (Project Home -> Other functionality -> Copy project) but to copy a project to a new REDCap instance the project must be created manually and the Data Dictionary downloaded and uploaded to the new server. This has been done. Once Jay approves the study, we can add the Kettering staff to the project.
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CiviCRM Case Definition
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