| 88 | 1. Processed - details from the {{{DBS_TRACING}}} table for all patients for the specific {{{BATCH_ID}}}. |
| 89 | 1. Alive - uses the stored procedure {{{USP_DBS_TRACING_MAILING_VIEW}}} to get the details of the patients with the specified {{{BATCH_ID}}} that have {{{NULL}}} for {{{RECENT_INPATIENT_FLAG}}}, {{{RECENT_AE_FLAG}}}, {{{CURRENT_AE_FLAG}}}, {{{CURRENT_INPATIENT_FLAG}}} and {{{PATIENT_DEATH_IND_CHANGED_FLAG}}}, and that have **the same** post code (spaces removed) from DBS and in the UHL PMI. |
| 90 | 1. Different address - details from the {{{DBS_TRACING}}} table patients with the specified {{{BATCH_ID}}} that have {{{NULL}}} for {{{RECENT_INPATIENT_FLAG}}}, {{{RECENT_AE_FLAG}}}, {{{CURRENT_AE_FLAG}}}, {{{CURRENT_INPATIENT_FLAG}}} and {{{PATIENT_DEATH_IND_CHANGED_FLAG}}}, and that have **different** post code (spaces removed) from DBS and in the UHL PMI. |