wiki:CiviCRM HowTo Run Tests

Version 1 (modified by Richard Bramley, 10 years ago) ( diff )


CiviCRM Testing

Summary and expansion of the procedure outlined in the CiviCRM page Settings up your personal testing sandbox.

  1. Create DB civicrm_tests_dev
  2. Create the test user with SUPER privileges.
  3. cd /path-to/civicrm
  4. mysql -u user -p -hhostname civicrm_tests_dev < sql/civicrm.mysql
  5. mysql -u user -p -hhostname civicrm_tests_dev < sql/civicrm_generated.mysql
  6. In the file <path to civicrm>/tests/phpunit/CiviTest/civicrm.settings.local.php add the line define('CIVICRM_DSN', 'mysql://db_username:db_password@localhost/civicrm_tests_dev');
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