wiki:CiviCRM HowTo Install

Version 14 (modified by Nick Holden, 12 years ago) ( diff )


CiviCRM installation process

Pre-requisites: Ubuntu packages: php5-ldap php5-sybase. Restart apache afterwards.

Install drupal 7 (currently 7.15)

Install the drupal-ldap module

Install drush 5.7

Install civicrm 4.2 (currently 4.2.2)

Add localisation, to allow for English (UK) language: relevant l10n file for civi version.

Then follow additional localisation instructions at:

Log in as the site administrator account, and go to /sites/all/modules/civicrm/install/index.php

Provide details of civicrm database connection and other pre-install configuration.

Full details of the installation step here:

Then use the configuration checklist within the CiviCRM module.
Disable CiviMail, CiviMember, CiviEvent and CiviCampaign.

Change date and time representations to UK format using Administer >> Localization >> Date Formats

In Administer >> Localization >> Address settings turn off 'post code suffix', 'county', latitude, longitude, street address parsing. In the two format boxes, shift the supplemental_address_1 field ABOVE the street_address field. Change 'state_province' to 'state_province_name'.

In Administer >> Display Preferences, under 'editing contacts', untick IM, OpenID and Website.

In Administer >> Settings - Directories set the 'templates directory' to the drupal base path + "sites/all/civicrm_templates" - this is essential for the CiviCase XML files to be read.

Finally, install the lcbru module to configure the GENVASC case sructure and other customisations specific to the LCBRU.


CiviCRM Documentation

Configuration of CiviCase:

Notes on Drupal and LDAP configuration - used to create user accounts, and associate the user accounts to the 'LCBRU staff' group.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.