= i2b2 Summary Tags: [[LcbruSystem]] [[UhlLinuxServer]] [[JBOSS]] == Overview i2b2 is a data warehouse application used to identify cohorts of patients for clinical research. == How To - [[i2b2 HowTo Install]] - [[i2b2 HowTo Upgrade]] - [[i2b2 HowTo Manage Users]] - [[i2b2 HowTo Create a Project]] - [[i2b2 HowTo Create an Ontology]] == Modules and Utilities - [[i2b2 Excel Spreadsheet Extract]] - [[i2b2 Mapped Importer]] - [[i2b2 Onyx Importer]] == Community - [[https://www.i2b2.org|i2b2 Website]] - [[https://community.i2b2.org/wiki/dashboard.action|i2b2 Wiki]] - To sign up to the mailing list by emailing Susanne Churchill == Instances For now: [[SystemAdmin]] - [[i2b2 Instance Live]] - [[i2b2 Instance Test]] == Databases Each project of i2b2 has 3 databases: - Security Database (usually ends '_workdata') - Ontology Database (usually ends '_metadata') - Data Database (usually ends '_data') == Legacy Pages [[BackLinks(i2b2 Legacy)]] [[BackLinks]]