== CiviCRM for Study Management and Monitoring == At the BRISSKit Hack Day, 24 February 2015, we explored using CiviCRM for Study Management. === Project Team: === Nick Holden, nrh11@le.ac.uk Norman Williams, norman.williams@ucl.ac.uk Tito Castillo, tito@xperimint.uk Sarah Lim Choi Keung, s.n.lim-choi-keung@warwick.ac.uk M Kahn, m.o.khan@warwick.ac.uk Lei Zhao, lei.zhao@warwick.ac.uk === Demo Site === For the time being, the demo site (a BRISSkit VM) is available at http://briss-civi.cloudapp.net/ === Assumptions === For today's proof of concept hack, we are limiting ourselves to the concept of studies conducted within a single hospital research site. Future development of the model should allow for modelling multi-site and even international studies. === Objectives ==== A basic level of anonymous === Object Model === Starting from a vanilla Drupal 7, CiviCRM 4.5.6 site, we made the following changes... * Contact Types * Individuals * Researchers * R and D staff * Administrative staff * Households - PROBABLY NOT USED * Organisations * Department * Ethics committee * Funding body * Relationships * "works in" (researcher - department) * Cases * Case Types * Case roles * PI * Research Nurse * R & D officer * Ethics committee * Activities * Apply for funding * Funding approval * Ethics approval - assign to the ethics committee * Custom data * ? === References === Study workflow (including steps required before a study can start): http://www.ct-toolkit.ac.uk/routemap Trial Management and Monitoring: http://www.ct-toolkit.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/35962/monitoring-procedures-workstream.pdf Trial Monitoring Option Checklist: http://www.ct-toolkit.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/35959/trial-monitoring-option-checklist.pdf Risk-adapted approaches to monitoring are required. Type A (low risk) e.g. questionnaire study, Type B (intermediate risk) e.g. study using a CE marked device, Type C (high risk) e.g. CTIMP. Each study will need a bespoke monitoring plan according to risk and resources, but for this exercise shall we restrict ourselves to these three examples?