Tags: [[Lcbru Software Category]] [[Ubuntu Upgrade Summary]] == Overview Upgrade Ubuntu 14.04 to Ubuntu 16.04 – Server Upgrade To check the version of Ubuntu {{{lsb_release -a }}} Upgrade instructions 1. Make your server system up-to-date as follows: {{{sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade }}} Click on Y when necessary. When message appear scroll down and press q for quit 2. Then reboot your system to finish installing updates. {{{sudo init 6 }}} 3. First, install the update-manager-core package using the command below that is if it is not yet installed on your server: {{{sudo apt-get install update-manager-core }}} 4. After that, edit this file, /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades using your favorite editor and set Prompt=lts {{{sudo vi /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades }}} 5. Next, start the upgrade process as follows: {{{sudo do-release-upgrade -d}}} Click on Y and Enter when necessary. Finally you will get notification to restart VM. 6. At this point you have to login the VM using the VSphere Web Client {{{https://uhllmvc01:9443/vsphere-client/#extensionId=vsphere.core.viVms.domainView}}} 7. {{{sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces}}} replace all instance of eth0 to enp0s17 8. reboot VM {{{sudo reboot}}}