= TMAO Study Tags: [[LCBRU Study Category]] [[CiviCRM]] == Details Evaluation of blood Trimethylamine Acid N Oxide levels of a risk factor for CAD n south Asians as opposed to Caucasians. == Contacts Lead Nurse:: Caroline Gardiner-Hill PI:: Dr Pankaj Gupta (consultant metabolic physician and chemical pathologies) == IT Recruitment Management:: [[CiviCRM Module TMAO]] Current questionnaire:: [[REDCap]] (Questionnaire - {{{V:\IT projects\REDCap\REDCap data dictionaries\Archive\TMAO}}}) Previous REDCap questionnaires :: {{{V:\IT projects\REDCap\REDCap data dictionaries\Archive\TMAO}}} == Data Integrations - Does the information need to be put into i2b2 - How do we get the pathology results? == Tickets [[TicketQuery(study=TMAO,status!=closed,order=priority,format=table,col=summary|type|priority|owner|component|time)]] [[BackLinks]]