= SpaceLabs Ambulatory Blood Pressure (ABP) Report Management Software = The ABP monitors used in the LCBRU are !SpaceLabs models, and the software to read, and pre-configure them, is called !SpaceLabs 92506 ABP Report Management System. It is installed on UHL network PCs in the TMF Clinical Room 1, and also Jay Gracey's PC, Sue Coolman's PC and Ellie Clarke's PC (both in the CRF office). To install, local admin rights are needed, and the installation also involves attaching the proprietary USB cable, and a monitor device, to install the USB drivers. The software is held on disks in the research nurses office. Currently version 3.0.3 is installed. Do not use the version 1 disk (which is intended for earlier versions of Windows). Currently the software does not appear to allow for automated backup procedures. I have submitted a request to the company for advice, and in the meantime, copied the SQL database file from each of Sue and Ellie's PCs to the GRAPHIC2 folder on the network share. GRAPHIC2 is the only study using ABPM data currently.