Please read Docker HowTo Install before installing REDcap [[Docker HowTo Install]] == Prerequisites if required '''Step 1 - Install Git''' {{{$ sudo apt-get update }}} {{{$ sudo apt-get install git }}} Please note you will need to have an account on git. '''Step 2 - Backup Redcap Database''' Log on to the mysql database machine. {{{mysqldump --routines --skip-extended-insert --force -h localhost -u root -p redcap > $(date +\%d-\%m-\%Y-)_redcap.sql }}} This will create a database dump file. Connect to my sql. {{{mysql -u root -p}}} Create a database, make sure you postfix with Redcap version number. Please stick to this naming convention. {{{mysql > create database redcap6168}}} Import the lastest database. {{{mysql -u root -p -h localhost redcap6168 < 19-09-2016-_redcap.sql}}} '''Step 3 - Create / Grant Mysql permissions''' If a new user is needed run the following, replace necessary details {{{CREATE USER 'briccsext02_user'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'}}} Grant necessary privileges to user. {{{GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'briccsext02_user'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'}}} {{{GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redcap6168_briccsext.* TO 'briccsext02_user'@'';}}} {{{GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redcap6168_briccsext.* TO 'briccsext02_user'@'';}}} If user already exists {{{GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redcap6168.* TO 'redcap'@'';}}} or {{{GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redcap6168_briccsext.* TO 'briccsext_user'@'';}}} == Upgrade Redcap There are 3 docker scripts available from github : git clone Amend database.php sudo docker build -t lcbruit/redcap_fresh:v6.16.6 . sudo docker run -itd -p 80:80 lcbruit/redcap_fresh:v6.16.6 git clone git clone REDCap 6.16.6 REDCap Software - Version 5.7.0 Installation script * Image * CRON * php upgrade