= Onyx Summary Tags: [[LcbruSystem]] [[UhlLinuxServer]] [[Onyx]] == Overview Onyx is a interview and data collection tool that was formerly used by the BRICCS project for interviewing patients. == How To - [[Onyx HowTo Install]] - [[Onyx HowTo Upgrade]] - [[Onyx HowTo Manage Users]] - [[Onyx HowTo Create a Project]] - [[Onyx HowTo Restart Tomcat]] [[AskNick]] == Modules and Utilities == Community - [[http://www.obiba.org/pages/products/onyx/|Obiba Website]] == Instances For now: [[SystemAdmin]] - [[Onyx Instance Live]] - [[Onyx Instance Test]] == Databases Each project of i2b2 has 3 databases: - Security Database (usually ends '_workdata') - Ontology Database (usually ends '_metadata') - Data Database (usually ends '_data') == Check List === Standard === Specific == Legacy Pages [[BackLinks]]