= Onyx Instance Northampton Test Tags: [[Lcbru Application Instance]] [[UhlLinuxServer]] [[Onyx]] == Technical Details Access from within N3 over VPN rather than using SSL. URL:: http://uhlbriccsext01.xuhl-tr.nhs.uk:8080/briccs-test/ Server:: [[uhlbriccsext01.xuhl-tr.nhs.uk]] Application Directory:: [[AskNick]] Database Type:: [[MySql]] Database Server:: [[briccsdbdev]] Database:: briccs_northampton_test Website Error Logging:: [[ToDo]] Tomcat Error Logging:: [[AskNick]] Database Logging:: [[AskNick]] Apache Config:: [[ToDo]] == Cron Tasks == Check List === Standard - [ ] Do I have admin rights to system? [[AskNick]] - [ ] Can I log on to system? - [ ] Can I restart the server? [[AskNick]] - [ ] Can I create a user? [[AskNick]] - [ ] Can I see the errors? - [ ] Website - [ ] Tomcat - [ ] Does it use Nick's email or other account details? - [ ] Apache Config server admin email address - [ ] Who do we contact for help - [ ] Basic training - [ ] Latest version in source control? - [ ] How is it Backed Up? - [ ] Database server / username / password - [ ] Do I have admin database access? - [ ] Database read only account? - [ ] Apache config - [ ] Cron Tasks === Specific - [ ] Port 8080 [[BackLinks]] It's on the externally facing server. Over a VPN. NOT SSL. Tomcat control panel at http://uhlbriccsext01.xuhl-tr.nhs.uk:8080/ Access the Onyx interface at http://uhlbriccsext01.xuhl-tr.nhs.uk:8080/briccs-test/ and http://uhlbriccsext01.xuhl-tr.nhs.uk:8080/briccs-live/ There are also two further instances installed at /kettering-live and /kettering-test but these are not used.