= NIHR !BioResource Tags: [[LCBRU Study Category]] == Overview Website:: [[https://bioresource.nihr.ac.uk/]] The NIHR !BioResource project was created under the Government's [http://www.nihr.ac.uk/about/Pages/Strategy_for_UK_Life_Sciences.aspx Strategy for UK Life Sciences] published in December 2011. The new capacity will help companies to recruit patients for stratified experimental medicine studies as well as providing the potential to study the molecular basis of disease, identify the most appropriate biomarkers for diagnosis and drug discovery, and to test the mechanism of action and effects of new drugs. == Status The LCBRU is inviting participants in existing studies to also register for the NIHR !BioResource. == Contacts Leicester Lead:: Gavin Whyman Administrator:: Hasina Begum Administrator:: Becky Wrack Contacts at Partner organisations:: [[https://bioresource.nihr.ac.uk/contacts/contacts/]] == Feeder Studies - [[BRICCS Study]] - [[GENVASC Study]] - [[GRAPHIC2 Study]] Invitation Instruction Documents:: {{{V:\LCBRU Portal Information\Bioresource\Work Instructions}}} == IT Questionnaire:: [[REDCap Summary]] (Questionnaire: {{{V:\IT projects\REDCap\REDCap data dictionaries\Current\NIHR Bioresource}}}) Participant Tracking:: [[CiviCRM Module NIHR Bioresource Labels]] Sample Management:: [[OpenSpecimen Summary]] [[BRICCS Data Request]]:: 28 === Reporting - [[NIHR BioResource Reporting Recruitment Figures]] - [[NIHR BioResource Reporting Available for Local Recall]] - [[NIHR BioResource Reporting REDCap to CiviCRM Consolidation]] - [[NIHR BioResource Reporting Data Quality]] === Data Integrations - [[DataIntegration NIHR Bioresource REDCap to NIHR Bioresource i2b2]] - [[DataIntegration NIHR Bioresource CiviCRM to NIHR Bioresource i2b2]] - [[DataIntegration NIHR Bioresource CiviCRM to NIHR Bioresource i2b2 - Delete Withdrawn]] - [[DataIntegration NIHR Bioresource CiviCRM to NIHR Bioresource i2b2 - Delete Excluded]] - [[DataIntegration NIHR Bioresource i2b2 Project Participants to UHL Data Warehouse]] - [[DataIntegration NIHR Bioresource Interval to NIHR Bioresource i2b2]] == Tickets [[TicketQuery(study=Bio-Resource,status!=closed,order=priority,format=table,col=summary|type|priority|owner|component|time)]] [[BackLinks]]