== i2b2 - Documents == Please identify and upload documents useful for understanding an ontology and the structure of the CRC tables. === Ontology Cell: === [raw-attachment:Ontology_Design_Doc_1-5-1.pdf Ontology Design.] This is the published design document for the Ontology cell. It contains details of the Ontology table within the cell and is essential for understanding how a given ontology is stored. Needs careful pondering in association with the other documents concerning the CRC cell and the metadataxml column. === CRC Cell: === [raw-attachment:CRC_Design_1-5.pdf CRC Design.] This is the published design document for the CRC cell. It contains details of the central observation_fact table and how the ontology is used via the concept_dimension table. Lots of other details too. === MetadataXML column: === [raw-attachment:MetadataXML-documentation.txt MetadataXML Column Format.] The Ontology table within the Ontology cell contains an optional column c_metadataxml. The design document for the Ontology Cell states in sum total: {{{ c_metadataxml is an optional field to store extra information about the concept in xml format. It is currently used to describe value metadata associated with a lab finding. }}} The attached document is a valuable addition. To my mind (Jeff), the use of this column extends beyond lab findings to any column which can contain a variable amount.