= LCBRU IT Administration HowTo New Starter Checklist Tags: [[LCBRU IT Administration]] == Prior to Start - [ ] University PC - [ ] UHL PC - [ ] Corporate Induction (2 half days) - [ ] UHL Computer Account - Done following corporate induction - [ ] Check about Parking - [ ] Send parking instructions == Arrange Prior to Start - [ ] Meetings with key people: - [ ] Professor Samani - [ ] Jay Gracey - [ ] Chris Greengrass - [ ] Gavin Whyman - [ ] Someone at UHL Data Warehousing (Ask Andy Carruthers) - [ ] Create a list of resources to read == Post Start - [ ] University ID Badge - Arrange with Hash Patel (Kelley) - [ ] University Computer Account - Cannot be completed until after start date - Kelley to email Janet Harris - [ ] Access to Subversion on University - [ ] Access to Maven on University - [ ] University X drive access - Email Kim Mason & Eleanor Jackson when they have a University Account - [ ] Access to [[UHL BRICCS Drive]] - [ ] Access to [[UHLSQLBRICCSDB]] - [ ] Access to [[UHLDWH]] - [ ] Sign both copies of contract - give to Kelley - [ ] Process {{{HR2 form}}} - Chris Greengrass to sign and give to Kelley - [ ] Book GCP Training - [ ] Car Parking permit - [ ] Induction / Orientation - [ ] CRC - [ ] TMF - [ ] CRF - [ ] Sign form and give to Kelley - [ ] Set up accounts on servers - [ ] List of resources to read - [ ] A task to start [[BackLinks]]