= Drupal HowTo Update == Drupal Site Checklist 1. Scad 1. CiviCRM test 1. CiviCRM live == Check to see if an upgrade is necessary 1. Go to `Report > Status Report`. 2. You may need to select `available updates > Check manually` to see the true latest version. == Update Drupal Core Manually 1. Put the site into maintenance mode `configuration > development > Maintenance mode` 1. Read the release notes for the update. Some custom files may need editing. 2. Create a backup of the site using the [[https://www.drupal.org/node/59373|full site backup script]]. Check to see if one has already been created with the correct directories, usernames and passwords 3. Wget the updated file to the www directory and unzip it. 1. Copy the new Drupal directory to form a new one to work with. 4. Remove the `sites` directory from the new working directory and copy over the existing one from actual site directory. 1. Make sure that the sites directory and its children are owned by www-data 1. Check for any differences between the new and the existing {{{.htaccess}}} {{{web.config}}} and {{{robots.txt}}} file. 1. Hopefully the non-customised old version of drupal will be available so you can diff the `sites/default/default.settings.php` to see if there are any differences that will need copying into the settings.php file. 1. Cd into the `drupal/includes/database` directory and create a symbolic link to the dblib folder using the command `sudo ln -s ../../sites/all/modules/dblib_driver_for_sql_server/dblib .`. 1. Change the owner of the dblib link to www-data using the command `sudo chown www-data:www-data dblib` 1. Move the existing directory to *_old and mv the new directory into its place. 1. Go to the site and browse to update.php and follow the instructions. 1. Restart Apache 1. Take the site out of maintenance mode. 1. If CiviCrm is installed, clear it's cache == Update Drupal modules manually 1. Put the site into maintenance mode `configuration > development > Maintenance mode` 1. Read the release notes for the update. Some custom files may need editing. 1. Cd into the `sites/all/modules` directory. 1. wget the latest version of the module. 1. remove the old version of the module directory 1. Unzip the new version into its place 1. Take the site out of maintenance mode. == Update Using Drush 1. Log into the server 2. Go to the Drupal root directory. For example, `/local/www/drupal/` 3. run the command `/local/drush/drush up` [[BackLinks]]