= CiviCRM Instance Test Tags: [[Application Instance Category]] [[UhlLinuxServer]] [[CiviCRM]] [[Drupal]] == Technical Details URL:: http://lcbru-test.xuhl-tr.nhs.uk Server:: [[uhlbriccsapp04.xuhl-tr.nhs.uk]] CiviCRM Directory:: {{{/var/local/civicrm/drupal/sites/all/modules/civicrm}}} Drupal Directory:: {{{/var/local/civicrm/drupal}}} Database Type:: [[MySql]] Database Server:: [[uhlbriccsdbdev.xuhl-tr.nhs.uk]] CiviCRM Database:: {{{civicrmtest}}} Drupal Database:: {{{drupaltest}}} Error Logging:: {{{/var/log/apache2/error.log}}} Apache Config:: {{{/etc/apache2}}} Backup:: See [[UHL Backup]] == Security Statement See: [[UhlLinuxServer Security Statement]] - Authentication for access to the the site is provided by UHL Windows network authentication, which enforces a strong password policy. - Users must be members of the Cardiology Windows network group, and be given access by a member of the LCBRU IT team. - Application software news feeds are monitored and security patches are applied immediately. == Risk Assessment See [[UhlLinuxServer Risk Assessment]] == Cron Tasks === Replace Drupal cron with real cron {{{/etc/cron.hourly/drupal}}} [[BackLinks]]