= CiviCRM HowTo Copy a Site Tags: [[CiviCRM Summary]] [[HowTo]] == Procedure 1. On the site you want to copy clear the CiviCRM cache by running the command: - {{{http://{site domain}/index.php?q=civicrm/clearcache}}} 2. Backup the CiviCRM and Drupal databases. 3. Create the new databases and restore the backups to these databases. 4. Ensure that the database user(s) have the correct permissions (see [[CiviCRM HowTo Install]]) 5. Copy the directory of the original Drupal site to the new location. 6. Change the ownership of the new site directory to `www-data` or the relevant user. 7. In the new site directory, amend settings files `{Drupal Home}/sites/default/settings.php` and `{Drupal Home}/sites/default/civicrm.settings.php` to: 1. Change the database connection details. 2. Directories and URLs. 8. Browse to the new site and go onto the CiviCRM tab / menu item. 9. Go to `Administration\System Settings\Directories` and amend the custom directories. [[BackLinks]]