= BRICCS CRLN Recruitment Report Tags: [[BRICCS Study]] [[Reporting Category]] [[CRLN]] == Summary Report run at the start of each month summarizing all participants recruited into the [[BRICCS Study]] in the current year - starting 1st of October. Report does not include participants with a status of {{{CANCELLED}}}. == Format Tab delimited files for Northampton, Leicester and External REDCap sites (i.e., 3 files), with the columns: - Study ID (BPt Number) - Site name - Date Recruited Ordered by date recruited. == Details Recipient:: angel.christian@nihr.ac.uk Server:: `UHLSQLBRICCSDB\UHLBRICCSDB` Database:: `i2b2_app03_b1_data` Archive Directory:: {{{V:\030 BRICCS data requests\BRICCS recruitment data for CLRN}}} SQL:: {{{ #!sql EXEC CrlnRecruitmentReport NULL }}} == Procedure (if output format approved by Angel) 1. Log on to the database and run the stored procedure and execute the SQL. 2. You will need to identify the starting and end date. 3. Copy the output into a spreadsheet and save the spreadsheet in the archive directory with the name `BRICCS_Enrollment_{year}{month}.xls`. E.g., `BRICCS_Enrollment_201506.xls` 4. Send the report to Angel. [[BackLinks]]