= BRICCS CRLN Recruitment Report Tags: [[BRICCS Study]] [[Reporting Category]] [[CRLN]] == Summary Report run at the start of each month summarizing all participants recruited into the [[BRICCS Study]] in the current year - starting 1st of October. Report does not include participants with a status of {{{CANCELLED}}}. == Format Excel. Ordered by date recruited. == Details Recipient:: angel.christian@nihr.ac.uk Server:: `UHLSQLBRICCSDB\UHLBRICCSDB` Database:: `i2b2_app03_b1_data` Archive Directory:: {{{V:\BRICCS data requests\030 BRICCS recruitment data for CLRN\Extracts}}} SQL:: {{{ #!sql EXEC CrlnRecruitmentReport NULL }}} == Procedure 1. Log on to the database and run the stored procedure and execute the SQL. 2. Copy the output into a spreadsheet and save the spreadsheet in the archive directory with the name `BRICCS_Enrollment_{year}{month}.xls`. E.g., `BRICCS_Enrollment_201506.xls` 3. Send the report to Angel. [[BackLinks]]